
The Bible*: What shall we say of it? There is no other book like it. Throughout the centuries no book has affected mankind quite like this one.

At first reading, the Bible may seem to speak of many things—and it does. But if the eye is enlightened, it will discern but one central theme in those pages—Christ: the Christ promised, the Christ foreshadowed, the Christ foretold, the Christ come, the Christ crucified, the Christ resurrected, the Christ ascended, the Christ come to indwell His believers, and finally, the Christ returned to receive His bride.

The Psalmist once said “Thou art my Lord: I have no good besides Thee.” The New Testament reveals that all of the spiritual blessings we enjoy come to us in the person of Christ (Eph. 1:3). Where is it that we come to know this?

It is in the Bible that we come to know this. We believe that apart from the Bible it is rather hard for a person to know Christ. We also believe that apart from Christ it is rather hard for a person to know the Bible (Luke 24:44-45). The two are inseperably bound.

With this in mind, we will attempt to examine the Bible's contents, history, spiritual nature, and special relevance to our Christian life.